Monday, October 11, 2010

Ethiopia Here We Come!

Oh my gosh, we just found out tonight that we get to meet our son on December 1st!!  That is seven weeks away (51 days to be exact).  We are sooooo excited.  Our court date is December 3rd and if all the paperwork goes through, he will officially be our son on that day!  We are so thrilled to meet this little guy that we can hardly stand it.  If you've seen his pictures, you know what I mean! 

We will then have to come home and travel back to Ethiopia 1-2 months after the court date to pick him up and bring him HOME! 

We've gotten some questions about if we're bringing Kendal to Ethiopia and the answer is, "no."  We would love to take her but we don't want to have to worry about her and she's too young to really understand and remember what is going on.  She is so excited though.  Her prayer tonight  was that she hopes God brings Hagirsa to our house tomorrow.  

So please keep praying that he remains healthy and that we have safe travels to and from AFRICA!!  Can't wait!

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