Friday, May 20, 2011

May Update

These are pictures from Tulip Time last week.  Hagirsa did not want to sit but we got a few shots in.  He had his check-up doctors appt on Tuesday and he grew 2 inches since we've been home!  He's very healthy besides the constant runny nose.  He had his "little man" surgery today.  He did so well.  I got him up last night and fed him and played with him for a bit.  He got up this morning and didn't cry all morning until they took him into surgery.  Everything went great and he will be healing the next couple of days.  So glad the weather is nicer.  He loves to be outside.  I'm excited to be able to spend more time this summer with both of the kiddos.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

It was so good to see you all. Hope the little man heals well (and quickly). Keep up the good work and try to keep up with that little guy!