Friday, September 18, 2009

Last Home Visit

Kreg and I had our last home visit, in our home this time, last week. It went really well and she got to meet Kendal and Remington. Now, we are just waiting for the paperwork to be done. Kreg and I have some online training to finish up as well. When we get the home study in our hands, we can send it to immigration. The process of immigration sending our paperwork back to us takes four months! Can you believe it? In the meantime, Kreg and I have a TON of paperwork to get ready for our "dossier" to send to Ethiopia along with our immigration papers. It will probably take us that long anyways. :) We are so excited to keep this process moving. I saw a little boy and girl at Meijer with their adopted family yesterday it just warmed my heart. The little girl actually waved at me and smiled. I've been thinking about them a lot and I can't wait to have our own wonderful, loving, beautiful children soon.


Unknown said...

How exciting! I bet the slow speed is agonizing. Just think, this blog will be the perfect addition to a baby book or scrapbook!

Harrell Family said...

All progress must be exciting! It will go fast! I just spoke with my cousin who lives in Addis Ababa. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions! Can't wait for the next update!

Blue Eyes said...

We may not talk often but always thinking of you! So nice to see the updates too. Love you guys!