Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bad News

Our ride so far on this journey did seem a little too "easy."  We just found out that parents need to be present on their child's court date in Ethiopia as of April 9th.  Well, that would be us now.  I don't know how I could go there and then leave my child (let alone fly back and forth to Africa again).  So now we have so many things to think about.  Do we bring Kendal now and stay?  Do we come home?  I know that in hindsight, anything we are doing will be well worth it but this is hitting us like a bomb.  Without even bringing up too much about the obvious cost (plane, cost of living, missing work twice now) this is bad, bad news.  Please help pray that this too is happening for a good reason that we do not know yet and that our family will be able to handle this big change. 

1 comment:

Tim and Sara DenHartigh said...

Ugh. I have no idea what we are going to do either. Tim commented and asked if they could make the embassy date and court date close together but I doubt Bethany has any control over that.