Friday, April 8, 2011

Finally a Family Pic

Hagirsa is doing very well.  It's almost as if he's been here his whole life.  It just warms my heart to see him with family and friends.  He's such a happy little guy.  He picks up words and sign language so quickly.  He just learned to say, "I love you" and loves to blow kisses.  He always blows kisses before he goes to bed so each time I carry him in his room now he blows me a kiss!  Too funny. 

Kendal is such a big helper (most of the time).  She loves to play with him and pick him up.  He LOVES to be outside.  He got a "new" bike from his cousin, Jack, on Saturday.  His little legs don't hit the pedals yet but he loves to just sit on it and be pushed around. 

His sleeping habits are getting better but he still likes to self-soothe by banging his head into the side of the crib.  He doesn't do it all night like he used to.  He's been doing it more when he's falling asleep and when he wakes up.  We're hoping it slowing will just go away soon. 

Updates are far more infrequent now but wanted to get some new pics on here.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, and, what a wonderful adoption story, Stacey. Enjoy your postings! Keep it up.