Friday, January 21, 2011

Still on Hold

Well, next week isn't looking too promising for us to leave.  The Vice Consular Chief will be coming back from Awassa "sometime next week,"  Well, we would fly out on Wednesday so it looks like that's not going to happen either.  That's two more weeks now we'll have to wait (again).  We are now looking at February 9, 2011 to leave.  We are trying to be positive that this will be our date to go get him.  We will know more "sometime next week" when he gets back and hopefully has an update for Bethany and all of the parents that are being affected by this situation.  Please pray that he has good news once he makes it back and that we can all go get our babies.  This is not a paperwork issue, these are children we are talking about!  I swear if you saw me in person that I'm not this negative, this is just my place to vent about this whole situation.

1 comment:

Karen & Brad Hernke said...

Totally understand all your feelings and emotions as we are going thru the same thing. Praying for you!!
